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Schiltach-The Perfect Little Town in the Black Forest & The Best Black Forest Cake


I was completed sold when I saw how incredibly beautiful these little towns in Black Forest were. And then I saw Schiltach, I said to myself, “This one is special!” And it turned out it really was!


There was almost no one on the street, you could simply walk around and enjoy a little peace of mind.


And be amazed by the architecture, the surrounding nature, and the surprises of what’s behind this house etc.


The town really isn’t big, you can easily navigate. Don’t forget to climb uphills (like, for 2 minutes) too to see some great view!


And the most important information that I feel obliged to share is….. the black forest cake at Kaffeebohne!


It’s really hard to describe how good their cake was. But it’d make you feel how traveling is a ‘privilege’ and maybe sad that you don’t live in Germany. I wish to come back!!! I will not hesitate to come back here in a heart beat if given the chance!


By the way, we tried other cake (a strawberry cake I think), that one didn’t surprise me. Stick to Black Forest cake…. it’s so good!!!



Address:Marktpl. 7, 77761 Schiltach, Germany


Opening Time: 11:30am-6pm (Wednesday Off)

Written by Traveling Mega


Traveling Mega

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