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The Old Bazaar of Bukhara


The impression I got from Bukhara was a very old town, like it was cut from a Hollywood Silk Road movie (suppose there was one). Everything seemed old (and a bit desolated). I mean, Bukhara is a city built in 14th century. It was interesting to see what souvenirs tourists might buy from the market.

There were coins, pocket knives, weird hats, Central Asian instruments and embroidered clothes.  Oh, carpets too.

The clothes are colorful! It reminds me of Joseph and his amazing technicolor coat (I did this musical in high school)!


And Uzbek chess seemed to be a popular souvenir too. Although these tokens all looked the same to me.


I don’t normally ask for prices unless I have the intention to buy. So I have no idea how much these things cost. But if they quote you in US$, then be careful as they might be giving you a tourist price. But of course these things are for tourists…. I guess you should have a price in your heart, and if the offer seems to make sense then go for it.

And here comes my favorite souvenir in Uzbekistan- Uzbek grandpas!

Why are they so popular?


I think it’s pretty interesting that they make so many grandpas. Do tourists really buy them? Haha. Would you take an Uzbek grandpa home?

Written by Traveling Mega


Traveling Mega

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