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Christian Backpacker’s Problem-Losing Touch Yet Not Finding a Church

The truth is, the five weeks I have been on the road, I have missed five Sunday services.

Everytime it happened for a reason. One time I was with a Christian family but their Sunday service was not on Sunday. So I just hung out with them without looking for a service.

Second time it happened because I had to see a museum on that Sunday morning and afternoon, otherwise I would not have another time to do it.

And the third time was because I was a bit late (I did not tell the family I was staying with that I would be looking for a church that morning). But the real dilemma was I could not find an English speaking church. And even if I did, it might be a Catholic or Orthodox church…. and I felt pressured and awkward.

The fourth and fifth time…well I think I got used to not going to church on Sundays (just like I got used to some churches charge admission fee for visiting), so I went on tours on those sundays.

So it really is a problem. And honestly, when you stop going to church, you just start to think there is no point of going there as a tourist who will not build fellowship in a short moment of time. Or you think God doesn’t mind you taking some time off to enjoy your holiday. And you decide to invest your time elsewhere, like museum, or time with friends.

I struggle with going to church while travelling. It is a problem for me especially when travelling in a non-English speaking country, or a non-Christian country. Plus the effort doesn’t always seem worthwhile as you might not have a church in your walking distance and you have to spend extra to get there.

But here is what I think you can do,
1. Plan ahead, so you know where and when you might be able to attend a church.
2. Subscribe or download Sunday messages (but being with congregation is important and irreplaceable)
3. Continue reading the Bible and pray. Don’t lose in touch with Jesus!

I’m not telling it is wrong to enjoy holiday. But Jesus is the meaning and goal of our lives. I learned about this when I lost my Copenhagen Card on the first day I activated my card, and I could do nothing without that card. No museums or transportation. Jesus to me is just like my Copenhagen Card, and he is more important than that. Without him, nothing is meaningful.

I had a great time attending church in Australia and Singapore. It was easy to find a church and enjoy the fellowship with the community. And it felt great.

But every situation is different. I hope you will not feel judged then lose passion about Christ. Try your best to pray even when you are not in the church, continue to give thanks and praise. And when you can, find a physical church and get to know your brothers and sisters worldwide.

If I can understand the dilemma about not going to church while travelling, our Jesus also can. Whatever difficulty you have, Jesus understands and can help.

Don’t trade your Jesus with anything. There’s nothing more exciting and precious than his salvation and love for us!

Stay blessed!

Written by Traveling Mega


Traveling Mega

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