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Don’t Travel- If You Are Not Ready To Die

So why this blog?

Travelling has become a lifestyle of mine. I spend very little on clothes or random things that I don’t need. And I save my money to travel (and investment too, although it feels like backpacking experience is an invaluable investment in enhancing my personality too)

So I always look for practical tips of budget traveling. And usually my family is with me when backpacking.

I’ll post information which I think is valuable for backpackers, and couchsurfers too. I am not against going on a tour or luxury travel at all. But I am not that rich and I think traveling should be affordable for everyone. It is not to show off financial wellness, but a decision made to understand this world better with the cost of financial resources.

I have been to 30 countries as of the summer of 2015, right before I turned 25. It isn’t something I dare to dream of from my background.

But, the real reason for me to start this blog, and not any other blog, is because I want to inspire Christian people to travel without losing your faith.

We can backpack with Jesus, really. We can still live a holy life and bring positivity while we travel. We don’t need to leave Jesus and what we believe at home to adapt to others’ culture or religion just to prove we are more open-minded than before.

If travelling means losing yourself, or become a part of the world, then don’t travel.

Yet don’t go out to this world with this belief that you will be able to stand up against this world… If you don’t know what your beliefs are.

Yet I’m not discouraging you from traveling, in the opposite, I am encouraging you to see this world and meet cultures that are different than ours. So often we live in a small Christian bubble that makes us ignorant or indifferent to the outside world.

We need to see this world, and feel more compassionate towards the people who are less fortunate or less liberal. Our God loves this world and the people in it. It’s our call to bring the light to people.

So I’m writing this blog to encourage you to challenge yourself to continue be a follower of Christ when you travel. It can get inconvenient and that’s why you need to be mentally prepared. Or else you’ll quickly lose it after having some cool friends who invite you to do cool stuff. And suddenly you don’t want your religious hat because it makes you the odd one out. You know those cool stuff equals sin in God’s eyes, yet you start to bargain. One small ungodly thing at a time. And sin slips in your life. I’ve been there, and perhaps so have you. That’s how Abraham’s nephew Lot lost it when he moved his tent closer to Sodom.

The truth is, God gives us free will. If you stop yearning for God more than the earthly sins, when your priority has changed. So, no!

No, we are not going to be like the world when we go into the world. And we are not going into the world before we know who we are.

You see, we are all so vulnerable. We can die off an accident or disease. Do you know where you’ll be after you die? You cannot say you are not good enough to be in heaven but not that bad to go to hell.

No. It doesn’t work like that. There’s nothing in between. That’s a lie the world tells us to put us on ease and takes salvation less seriously.

I hope all Christian travellers go out with a firm foundation of our beliefs in salvation accomplished by Jesus, and only Jesus.

Are you ready to die? If you can’t bring yourself to answer this question, then I hope in some ways I may inspire you to think deeper on this, while you do your research on travel plans.

Because no travel information or anything is more important than the knowledge of fearing God.



Written by Traveling Mega


Traveling Mega

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