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Going Medieval- The Old Town of Tallinn

Before going to Tallinn, the immigration officer in Helsinki told me that I’d probably like Tallinn a lot (more than Copenhagen!). And well, I actually only had half a day in Tallinn, but I can say I like it as much as Copenhagen. It’s much more affordable and it’s very pretty.

If you’ve never been here, I’d recommend Tallinn. It’s prettier and more interesting than Helsinki (really!) So…. I don’t know how to introduce this old town, but I suggest you to get a map from the tourist information center. It will look something like this. And I’m not sure if you can see, the old town of Tallinn is actually two towns (left and right). The left one is called Toompea where the rich people lived.

Rich people? Well, frankly I saw some soviet building, a cafe on towerhall (really cool), town wall, and the iconic Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.


So from my eyes I guess it’s a wealthier neighborhood, and it has a great view over lower town. And for me, lower town is more lively.

There are lots of cafes to check out.


And interesting shops to see. I find most of them very original and genuine. Unlike the market square in Helsinki or even the souvenir shops in Gamla Stan in Stockholm, the Old Town of Tallinn is simply cooler!


With no exaggeration, every corner was full of surprises! Haha, they are so cute.


Or this kind of surprise! As vehicles are not allowed in the Old Town, this tourist train is what can get you around.


Or a rickshaw. The drivers of course are unlike the professional rickshaw drivers in India, for me they looked like students who were taking a summer job.


The Old Town is a very photogenic place. You’ll simply fall in love with it and have a great time here! I’d love to come back here one day (and explore more of this old town and other areas of Tallinn… and Estonia!)!

Written by Traveling Mega


Traveling Mega

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