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Lviv Coffee Manufacturer: The Real Birth Place of Coffee Culture?


It is said that the person who brought coffee drinking to Europeans was born in Lviv!  How much cooler can it get? As soon as you enter the door,  the wonderful aroma of coffee is everywhere! Is this a coffee museum? Not quite, but you will find this place  “Lviv Coffee Manufacturer” roasting coffee beans, selling all kinds of products… And you wouldn’t expect that there are 3 places here where you can have coffee, with one being , while offering 2 places to sit and a secret underground workshop!


Lviv Coffee Manufacturer: Workshop

You’ll find yourself surrounded by packs of people in this tiny area mixed all kinds of sounds and the aroma of freshly grounded coffee beans. You can buy something from the counter, or simply watch a real person roasting beans.  It’s a beautiful picture to remember!


In Lviv, you see at least one cafe on every street, and many of them will be at least 100 years old! Why is that? There was a time in history that Lviv was a part of Austro-Hungarian Empire, so the coffee culture was prevalent here. But there is also a more important connection here, the person who brought coffee culture to Vienna was born in Lviv!

Yuriy Kulchitskiy, born in Lviv in 1640, during the time of Austro-Hungarian Empire. In order to fight against Ottoman’s invasion, he joined the Zaporozhian Cossack army. He was enslaved until a Serbian merchant redeemed him. He picked up a few languages and the coffee culture of Turkey.

The Ottoman Empire tried to invade Europe, and the battle was engaged in Vienna. Yuriy Kulchitskiy helped in the war of 1683, so he was rewarded. With that money he started business in Vienna. Initially Europeans thought the taste of coffee was too bitter, so he invented “Viennese Coffee” by adding milk, money and sugar.


Lviv Coffee Manufacturer’ Store

You follow everyone and you will soon find yourself in a gift store! The theme was … coffee! Of course! The products were nicely packaged, and yes, it’s very attractive! The prices were reasonable!


Lviv Coffee Manufacturer’s Cafe

It’s a pleasant experience to have a cup of coffee here. You can sit here where it’s brighter. Or you can sit in the regular building (provided if there’s a free table). You can see pedestrians from the window there. There’s a third option which I will describe below.


Lviv Coffee Manufacturer’s Menu

They offer a variety of drinks, with creative combination that you probably haven’t thought of. The price was competitive, especially this place has such special ambiance.


About our coffee. It wasn’t bad. Was it impressive though? Not quite.


Our waiter today looked like someone from Austro-Hungarian Empire (the one one the right). The other waiter had a more typical look that you see in Ukraine.


A Secret Sight?Underground Workshop

There’s a special underground workshop. The access is from the gift shop. The staris will lead to a secret tunnel and a workshop area, with train racks and some tools. It’s pretty cool! (There’s also an area for having coffee, so if you want, you can choose to spend some time down there). It is said that the king had the monopoly on coffee. So civilians were all roasting and selling coffee secretly. Oh, don’t forget to wear a helmet before you go down!


 Lviv Coffee Manufacturer

Address:Rynok Square, 10, L’viv

Opening Hours:08:00–00:00

Review:If you have come, yes it’s good idea to stop by! And don’t miss the secret workshop underground!

Written by Traveling Mega


Traveling Mega

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