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Tag - uzbekistan

Kalon Minaret – The Icon of Bukhara

  My friend and I didn’t make a plan before visiting Bukhara. We were very casual so pretty much we decided what we’d do that day in the morning. So that means we were quite underprepared for the historical sites. And well, it...

The Old Town of Khiva on The Silk Road

  After an overnight train, and a bus ride, I arrived Khiva. According to legend, Khiva was founded about 2 500 years ago when a son of Noah, Shem, discovered a well in the middle of the desert exclaimed “Khi-wa!” (which locals will...

Shahrisabz- The Birthplace of Timur!

  On our second day in Uzbekistan (also the second day in Samarkand), we got a taxi from Samarkand to visit Shahrisabz.  It’s only 67km away and at that time hiring a taxi seemed to be the best idea. We left after lunch, and the ride was...

Shah-i-Zinda Ensemble- The Amazing Blue Street

  I didn’t know much about Samarkand. Well, you need to know about this guy, Timur. He was a conquerer in 14th century and a descendant of Genghis Khan. And so, there are lots of historical buildings in Samarkand, the capital city of...


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