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These Cute Families Will Make You Come to Iceland!

Iceland, a country of fire and ice with a myriad of landscapes. But you’ll notice something more than the amazing nature when you drive around Iceland, well, you have to notice it.

“Sorry, the car you were going to rent was damaged, so we’ll give you another car.”  When I arrived in Iceland, the lady at car rental company said this to me.  “What happened?”

“Well, our customer bumped into a sheep on the road.”  What? A sheep? Seriously?


“Baaa baaaa….Have we met?”


You thought sheep should normally be kept behind the fences.


Yet, often the sheep in Iceland are free like a wind.

“Yo, what is ya look’n at?”


“An artist like me can’t be kept behind the fences. Me likes freedom!”


You’ll see sheep, almost always in a group of 3 (dad, mom and baby).


“Let’s find breakfast, lunch and dinner now!”


Or dad with 2 babies?


They really like to be in a group of 3. It’s a culture, you know.


They’d stand next to the road. When a car comes (near), their ‘Run!’ button will be pushed and they’d start to run to somewhere safe,




Quickly, quickly, quickly!


Or you might push their ‘Cross the street’ button, while they really don’t have a reason to pick this dangerous moment to cross the street.


While there are lots of sheep (more than the population in Iceland, there are also many horses).


Beautiful horses!


They live freely in this beautiful country. And comparing to crazy sheep, they are more relaxed and docile.


Very relaxed, indeed.


And incredibly friendly!

“Well, because we are not your food! Now, pat us please!”


“Am I the prettiest one?”


Do you want to see more? Come to Iceland and discover them! Iceland is full of surprises! And hopefully, you won’t bump into any of them with your car!

Written by Traveling Mega


Traveling Mega

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