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Top 5 Attractions in Saint Petersburg-Savior on the Spilled Blood Church


The spilled blood (Savior on the spilled blood) church is probably one of the most recognizable church in the world. The story behind that I remember was a tsar was assasinated here because the people were distressed at the heavy tax he put. So his son built this church to remember his father, and of course where did the money come from? Haha! I found it ironic.

Nevertheless, the church is jaw-dropping. And neck-unfriendly. You will know what this means when you go there.


What’s so special up there? This!


The church is covered by mosaic, and even more densely than St.Isaac’s Cathedral. The topics of the paintings are biblical stories. It is very interesting to look at each picture. You will definitely enjoy it!


The ticket price is 250 rubbles ($4) before 6pm. Evening ticket is more expensive.. so if you plan to see many attractions in Saint Petersburg, some attractions are open in the evening too and Spilled Blood church is one of them.

It is easy to get here, probably only 5 minutes walk from Nevsky Prospect station. It is the number 5 attraction on this map. Enjoy!

Written by Traveling Mega


Traveling Mega

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